B&Bs and hotels in & around Northallerton

B&Bs and hotels in & around Northallerton
– March 2025
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Do you have a B&B or hotel in or around the North York Moors but are not shown above?
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Elmscott Hatfield Road, Northallerton DL7 8QX. Tel 01609 760575Email elmscott@btinternet.com
Website http://www.elmscottbedandbreakfast.co.uk
Accessible. No mobility scooters Lovesome Hill Farm Lovesome Hill, Northallerton DL6 2PB. Tel 01609 772311
Email lovesomehillfarm@btinternet.com
Website http://www.lovesomehillfarm.co.uk Porch House B&B 68-70 High Street, Northallerton DL7 8EG. Tel 01609 773583 / 07542 212167
Email floodc.flood@gmail.com
Website https://www.porchhousenorthallerton.com
Accessible. Ground floor twin room The Golden Lion Hotel 114 High Street, Northallerton DL7 8PP. Tel 01609 777411
Email reservations@golden-lion-hotel.co.uk
Website http://www.golden-lion-hotel.co.uk
Accessible. Public area accessible but not bedrooms
Osmotherley, Northallerton
The Golden Lion 6 West End, Osmotherley, Northallerton DL6 3AA. Tel 01609 883526Website http://www.goldenlionosmotherley.co.uk
Staddlebridge, Northallerton
The Cleveland Tontine Staddlebridge, Northallerton DL6 3JB. Tel 01609 882671Email enquiries@theclevelandtontine.com
Website http://theclevelandtontine.com